Watch this tutorial:
Hello World
fn main() {
println!("Hello World");
Watch this tutorial:
fn main() {
println!("Hello World");
Sometimes we want application A to access internet through proxy P1, and we want application B to access via proxy P2. In order to implement this requirement, we have to use proxifier
, which can set different proxies for different applications.
Download this tool at this website:
Today I am gonna show you guys a powerful tool to improve battery sustainability.
And it's name is tlp
Download like below and start using it, and your laptop's sustainability will improve a lot.
$ sudo dnf install tlp.noarch
$ sudo tlp start
# Show configuration and information
$ sudo tlp-stat
Recently I installed fedora39 as WSL2. But today I found out that no man pages for every command.
This is the reference:
When we execute ifconfig
or ipconfig
, it often shows the private IP. There is a easy way to know our public IP.
This command returns our IP, location and our NSP(Network Service Provider).
Search Turn Windows Features on or off
and turn on Windows Subsystem for Linux
Recently I uploaded my portfolio to github repo portfolio and deployed github pages for it. So today I am gonna talk about what to be done to deploy github pages for a github repo.
I bought a MacBook to try macOS. It's a UNIX-like system, just like Linux. I mainly use Fedora38
recently and it's time to try another branch of Operating Systems.
I configured this device for the whole day and I downloaded below apps.
. It's the version free of charge.ctrl+cmd+T
to invoke terminal. But it's complex to set keyboard shortcuts on Mac. So I use this to implement that.I started using windows
operating system since I was 10 years old. After 12 years of using that(basically playing games on it) and 3 years of using Linux(ubuntu and fedora), I am about to have my first Mac OS
It's 4 am in the morning and I could not sleep. I am soo excited and can't wait to try another UNIX-LIKE
system. Recently I mainly use Fedora38
and I like it pretty much, although sometimes it runs into system or application crashes.
今年的年味比往年浓了很多, 公园里, 小区里都是放烟花的人, 据同学说警察也在一边观看, 没有阻拦. 过去几年, 人们的心中都憋着气, 平日里的困苦彷徨, 都让它们随着烟花消失吧.
希望2024年, 生活会更好.