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What have I done with my new macbook

B4nightAbout 2 min

What have I done with my new macbook

I bought a MacBook to try macOS. It's a UNIX-like system, just like Linux. I mainly use Fedora38 recently and it's time to try another branch of Operating Systems.

App installed

I configured this device for the whole day and I downloaded below apps.

  • Chrome: nothing else to say
  • NetEaseMysic: Listen to music
  • WeChat: For communication
  • Clash Verge: People from China can understand. ToT
  • Typora: I downloaded version 0.11.18 . It's the version free of charge.
  • HotKey: I am familiar with using ctrl+cmd+T to invoke terminal. But it's complex to set keyboard shortcuts on Mac. So I use this to implement that.
  • Visual Studio Code: To write code.

Below are CLI tools I installed

  • HomeBrew: In order to use brew to install software.
  • Upgit: To upload my images to server.
  • gh: Github CLI tool
  • Oh my zsh: To beautify the terminal
    • Syntax Highlight plugin
    • Auto suggestion plugin
  • node: Recently I write some typescript and javascript
  • wget: Get resources
  • git: Can't without it.
  • gnu-sed: This pitfall shows when I uploaded this post. So I think I have to open a section for it.


Caution: Command sed is different on macOS and Linux.

I write a shell script to automatically upload my posts. It works well on Fedora38 and fails on macOS.

The solution is simple: install gnu-sed and use gsed instead of using sed.

So I modified my script to work on both platforms.

What have I configured?

Clash Verge + Chrome

I configured this two to visit google. I have to complain that English forums' quality is far better than Chinese forums. If I give the specific keywords, the answers are really helpful.


The macbook's system is Ventura 13.6.4, so the default shell environment is zsh. I installed On-My-Zsh to beautify terminal. Also, I downloaded 2 plugins, which are essential.

  • zsh-syntax-highlighting: Help a lot when I type some wrong commands.
  • zsh-autosuggestions: Remenber the commands I typed. Save numerous time.

Joplin Typora and Upgit

I use Joplin to store all my notes and I synchronize them with the help of Tencent COS.

I downloaded Typora 0.11.18 from GitHub and this version satisfy my needs. I choose uploading all the images inserted to server, and that needs the help of Upgit.

Upgit is a lightweight software used to upload images. I configured it to upload images to my Tencent COS Bucket. I used that as a img-bed.


That's pretty almost what I have done with this new laptop. MacOS impressed my a lot. I think I am converting from Linux-User to macOS-User XD.

Last update:
Contributors: b4night,B4night